The Bride Test by Helen Hoang

I enjoyed this book immensely and I was sure I would give it five stars - right until the ending, which was, I'm sorry to say, quite horrible. It was like one of those crazy, silly comedies and I hated it, so finally I gave this book only four stars.

The story was simple and cute: Esme, a very poor girl from Vietnam, goes to the USA to meet and marry Khai. Khai is autistic and it's his mother who chose Esme as his future wife. He's not very happy about it at first, but soon he discovers that maybe it's not such a bad idea.

I really liked Khai, he was a sweetheart. He always tried to make people happy and he was so  clumsy with people and kept saying and doing the wrong things. And the first sex scene was hilarious.

I didn't like Esme. She was dishonest, she didn't tell neither Khai nor his mother about her daughter, which was a huge lie. She kept hiding her thoughts from Khai, although both he and his mother asked her not to do this. She kept taking his things without asking for permission - for example his dead cousin's bike. She cut the tree in his garden with a kitchen cleaver, for heaven's sake, and she didn't even discuss it with him first. She run from him and didn't take his phone calls, she didn't seem to care, that he worried about her. She seemed very selfish and untrustworthy to me.

Still, I enjoyed the story and I'm happy I read it. I will definitely read the next book by this author.


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