Prince of Thieves by Melinda McRae

I've finally managed to finish this book, but it was a struggle - which shouldn't surprise me, as it was the lowest-rated book on my TBR list. I don't think I'll be in a hurry to read any other book by this author in the future.

Our hero, Jack, is a criminal, who is just to be killed for his crimes. His life is saved by the heroine, Honoria, who needs his help with stealing a necklace from her evil uncle.

This book was horrible. I accept some absurd and lack of reason in my books, because, let's be honest, I generally read romance for fun - I don't need much realism to enjoy the book. But here everything was improbable and impossible to believe, from the general situation to the characters and behaviour of the heroes. Plus, I really didn't like neither Jack nor Honoria, they were both quite insipid and dull. In the end, I had to make myself finish this book.

I do not recommend this book to anybody.


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