For Every Solution, A Problem by Kerstin Gier

I simply loved this book! It was so charming, real, a bit crazy, funny, but also sad - I had so much fun reading it and I would give it five stars, but I didn't like the ending - it seemed rushed and I would like to get some epilogue. Other than that, I really loved this book.

Gerri is depressed. Her family is quite horrible, she lives in a tiny, uncomfortable place, she doesn't have a boyfriend, she earns almost nothing as a romance writer and her family is ashamed of her job - and, to make the matters worse, one day she suddenly loses it.. She decides to kill herself, but first she writes good-bye letters in which she finally tells everybody what she really thinks about them.

As I said - both funny and sad, a wonderful book, I read it in a day and I can't wait to read other books by this author :)


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