The History of Polish Literature by Czeslaw Milosz

I didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought I would, considering it was written by the literary Nobel Prize winner. 

I think the main problem I had with this book was that it contained so much history - I do understand, that the literature of Poland is deeply connected with its history and to understand one you need to know something about the other - but I had this feeling, that a half or more of this book was about history and literature was less important. Some authors were just mentioned in a few lines and I kept thinking why Milosz wrote about them at all if they were obviously so unimportant for him. I'd prefer less names, but more facts about the ones who were left.

On the other hand, I think the book was very well written and really informative and may be a good textbook for people interested in learning more about both history and literature of Poland.


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