Stone Guardian by Maeve Greyson

I was bored half to tears with this book. There were so many interesting things - gods and spirits, demons, magic - and yet it was one of the most uninspiring books I've ever read. 

Torin is a great warrior from the past and Emma is a modern doctor, who came to Scotland to create a new clinic for children. Their task is to defeat a horrible monster from the other world, a demon called Arach. Emma doesn't believe in magic and she is quite shocked when she finds out about her destiny, but she soon learns a lot about her own powers.

As I said, I found the book extremely boring - to the point that I had to make myself read the next chapter. Emma was stubborn, her reactions were strange and quite illogical for me. Torin was better, he didn't annoy me much - I felt quite sorry for him; I can imagine how scary and tiring it must be to live in the 21st century for a person from the past. I hated the Arach's parts, definitely too many descriptions of roasted human bodies for me there. I think the ending was too quick and abrupt.

I didn't enjoy this book and I'm not going to read any other books by this author.


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