Something Fresh by P.G. Wodehouse

OK, so it's official now: I definitely have a serious problem with Blandings series. I know it's very popular, many people love it - I don't. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this book - it was crazy and funny, I just didn't enjoy it as much as I should. 

The book is quite complicated, like all Wodehouse's books, but generally there is this young couple, Ashe and Joan, who have no money. They find out, that an American millionaire is willing to pay a thousand pounds for stealing a scarab from Blandings and they both decide to do it. 

The first half was so long and slow, that I really had to make myself read it. It gets better later - the ending was fast and fun, but reading the first half was a chore for me. 

I was not a great fan of neither Ashe nor Joan and I was not interested in their romance at all. Aline, Joan's friend, was insipid, and George was so patronising and full of himself, that it was painful to read. I really liked Freddie - he was great, so silly and polite, it was hard not to love him. I quite liked his father, lord Emsworth, so absent-minded and a bit crazy. 

All in all, normally I would give this book three stars, but it's Wodehouse, so I gave it four. I will give this series the second chance in the future, but I'm in no great hurry to get back to Blandings.


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